Generate List of Dates between two Dates By Excel Functions
مدونة مجانية غير هادفة للربح تهتم بنشر العلم في مجال الضرائب والقانون المصري واالمحاسبة والمراجعة والهدف المنشود محاولة تنظيم الكم الضخم من المعلومات المحاسبية والضريبية على الانترنت للتيسير على الباحثين
Generate List of Dates between two Dates By Excel Functions
12 Excel Functions You've Never Heard Of
There are countless functions in the Excel library…with many new ones popping up.
Stay ahead of the game and get familiar with these functions 👇
Today’s function is SUPER_TEXTJOIN. It joins text based on rows or columns.
Today’s function is SUM_BETWEEN_POSITION. Sums the values between a start and end, based on a two-way lookup.
Today’s function is CAGR. It returns the compound annual growth rate.
=LAMBDA(values, RRI(COUNT(values)-1,INDEX(values,1),INDEX(values,COUNT(values))))
Today’s function is SLICER_SELECTION. Returns the items visible in a Table column. Therefore, these are the items selected by a slicer.
Today’s function is PAYBACK. It calculates the length of time required for an investment to recover its initial outlay.
Today’s function is ISWEEKEND. Checks whether a date is a weekend day, and returns TRUE/FALSE.
Today’s function is FLEXIBLE_FILTER. It returns an array of values based on multiple partial text searches.
Today’s function is CHRISTMAS_JUMPER_DECIDER. Lets you know if you should or should not wear a Christmas Jumper on any given day.
IF(OR(singing_carols, christms_party * casual_dress_permitted, (DAY(date) >= 22) * (MONTH(date) = 12), (DAY(date) >= 12) * (MONTH(date) = 12) * casual_dress_permitted),
"Christmas Jumper? Go for it!", "Christmas Jumper? Maybe not a great choice."))
Today’s function is BEST_PIZZA_DEAL; it returns a summary of pizza value.
LET(Pizza1Calc, Pizza1_Price / (PI() * (Pizza1_Size / 2) ^ 2 * Pizza1_Count),
Pizza2Calc, Pizza2_Price / (PI() * (Pizza2_Size / 2) ^ 2 * Pizza2_Count),
Variance, Pizza1Calc - Pizza2Calc,
Choice, IF(Variance <= 0, "Pizza 1", "Pizza 2"),
Result, HSTACK(
VSTACK(Choice & " is better value.", "", "Pizza 1", "Pizza 2", "Variance"),
VSTACK("", "Per SQ Inch", Pizza1Calc, Pizza2Calc, Variance)),