Extract texts between and pair of the bellow characters.
( ) * [ ] { }
مدونة مجانية غير هادفة للربح تهتم بنشر العلم في مجال الضرائب والقانون المصري واالمحاسبة والمراجعة والهدف المنشود محاولة تنظيم الكم الضخم من المعلومات المحاسبية والضريبية على الانترنت للتيسير على الباحثين
دوال List.split , list.transform
// Unpivot the date columns, creating an Attribute-Value pair
#"Unpivoted Columns" = Table.UnpivotOtherColumns(#"Removed Columns1", {"القسم ", "المرحلة", "اسم التلميذ"}, "Attribute", "Value"),
// Split the list of unpivoted values into lists of 3 items each
Custom1 = List.Split(#"Unpivoted Columns"[Value], 3),
// Convert each list of 3 items into a record
RecordsList = List.Transform(Custom1, each [Field1 = _{0}, Field2 = _{1}, Field3 = _{2}]),
// Create a new table from the list of records
RecordsTable = Table.FromRecords(RecordsList, {"Field1", "Field2", "Field3"})
make absent report with DAX in pivot table #excel #hr اعداد تقرير الغياب
keyboard shortcuts for excel Selecting a Range of Cells اختصارات لوحة المفاتيح للتتنقل داخل الاكسل باحترافية
Create Dependent Drop Down List Tutorial in Excel
انشاء قوائم منسدلة مترابطة في تحليل المصروفات ومراكز التكلفة
اضافة الصور لخلايا الاكسل والاستعلام عنها في الجداول وتحليل البيانات
Create Pivot Table from two Tables By Relationship
الدمج بين دالة let دالة vstack ودالة filter ودالة choosecol
combine let function and vstack function and filter function and choosecol function
Excel functions are the backbone of a financial modeler’s day to day work and as such, it’s essential to have a good understanding of the functions that are commonly used to build financial models.
Below are the top Excel functions that you must know as a financial modeler grouped by area.
Are there any functions that you would include in your top 20 functions for
In Microsoft Excel, the CHOOSE function selects a value or performs an action from a list of values, based on the index number. It needs two required arguments to function.
Use Excel CHOOSE Function to Replace Nested IFs
In the first case, we will return a value based on some conditions using the CHOOSE function. The dataset we will use here contains the Test Scores of some students. We can easily assign the grades using the CHOOSE function. You can see the Grade Distribution in the picture below.
In Microsoft Excel, the CHOOSE function selects a value or performs an action from a list of values, based on the index number. It needs two required arguments to function.
CHOOSE(index_num, value1, [value2]….)
index_num: It is the position number of the values. Position of value1 is 1, value2 is 2, and so on.
value1: It is the second required argument inside the CHOOSE function. You can enter value2, value3, and many more for your purposes.
For example, if you type =CHOOSE(3,"Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","June") in a cell, and, press Enter, then the output will be Mar because Mar is the third value among the specified values.